Friday, April 10, 2009

Non-Fiction Five Challenge Sign Ups

Non-Fiction Five Challenge
May 1 - September 30, 2009

After hosting the Non-Fiction Five for two years, Joy has graciously passed the torch onto me. I'm thrilled to be carrying on one of my favorite reading challenges.
Button by Nymeth

Button by Bethany

The Rules (unchanged from previous years)

1. Read 5 non-fiction books during the months of May - September, 2009 (please link your reviews on Mister Linky each month; Mister Linky can be found each month on this blog)

2. Read at least one non-fiction book that is different from your other choices (i.e.: 4 memoirs and 1 self-help)

3. If interested, please sign up below with the link to your NFF Challenge post (all choices do not need to be posted and may change at any time)


My Tentative List:
~Stalin's Children - Owen Matthews
~The Lost City of Z - David Grann
~1776 - David McCullough
~The Tender Bar - J.R. Moehringer
~Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil - John Berendt


Amanda said...

I decided to go for it, Trish! Thanks for hosting. Your new profile looks great, btw.

Thoughts of Joy said...

Nostalgia has set in, BUT I know the challenge is in great hands! I love those buttons!

I read 1776 with a book group and really enjoyed it. It has made me want to pick up another by McCullough. John Adams is on my shelf, but the size is terrifying. I think it would have to be a chapter a week kind of book for me to get through. :)

And, I loved The Tender Bar. Interestingly enough, Mr. Joy is reading now!

I didn't know Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil was non-fiction. Hmmm

Happy hosting and reading non-fiction, Trish! I'm sure you are all going to have a lot of fun.

Debi said...

Oh geez, I'm nearly hyperventilating here because I'm so excited!!! Seriously, this is one of my all-time favorite challenges! Oh man, but now I'll be spending my afternoon lovingly putting together a list of possible reads, instead of doing the work I really need to be doing. Oh well, this will be infinitely more fun!

Ana S. said...

Wheeeee. I'll be back with a list :P

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

*Amanda - So thrilled you'll be joining us afterall!

*Joy - Thanks for passing this on to me. :) I'll take good care of it--promise! Ha! Midnight in the Garden of G&E will actually be a re-read for me. I don't think I knew it was non-fiction the first time I read it! Berendt is a journalist with a few non-fiction books. I picked up Tender Bar on YOUR recommendation!!

*Debi - Yay!! I'm afraid that OUaT3 is overshadowing lil' ol' NFF, but really--who would choose non-fiction over fantasty, fairytales, myth, folklore!?! Glad you're excited--can't wait to see what you draft up--I know you love those lists! :P

*Nymeth - Yay! Can't wait to see what you decide to read. And thank you my dear for the beautiful button!

Anonymous said...

I swore to myself that I wouldn't join any more challenges, but you won me over! I've listed my books on my blog.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I'm going to participate this year, but I love those buttons. Very cool!

pussreboots said...

I plan to join... Now I just need to figure out what I'm going to read.

Deena Peterson said...

I'm joining in and giving away every book I read for the challenge:-)

Karen Beth said...

This might be a silly question, but do cookbooks with a lot of writing count? I would mostly have history books, but I have a lot of fun cookbooks with essays in them that I would like to read...

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

*Lynne - So glad you're going to be joining us!

*3M - Didn't Nymeth and Bethany do a lovely job with the buttons? I am so impressed with their creativity! I do hope you'll come back and join, Michelle.

*Pussreboots - Thanks for signing up! I look forward to seeing what you listed.

*Deena - What a great idea!! Can't wait to see what you'll be reading.

*KarenBeth - Sure! I don't think that's one that I've seen listed much, but I don't see why not. So excited you're thinking of joining!!!! :D

Unknown said...

Oh, this should be fun. I have a whole stack of non-fiction books that I need to read plus I work in a library so I think I can find a few (actually, I find one almost daily that I want to read).


Christina said...

I'm in! Thanks for hosting.

Madeleine said...

I am going to add my choices as I go along.

Stacy said...

Thank you for hosting. I was hoping this challenge would come back around this year after seeing other bloggers who had participated. Can't wait for May 1 to roll around and get started.

Kerri said...

I've signed up and posted my preliminary picks on my blog. Thanks for hosting.

L said...

I feel like I'm joining an exclusive, secretive club, like a Swiss bank or something. I feel all dirty, but in a good way. ;P
Count me in!

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

*Jack - Thanks for joining us! I really had to work hard at paring down my list--there are so many great non-fiction books out there.

*Christina - Thanks for joining!

*Madeleine - I can't wait to see what you choose each month!

*Book Psmith - When I found out that Joy wasn't doing challenges this year I jumped on the opportunity to host. I love this challenge and am so glad you joined us!

*Kerri - Thanks for signing up--I'm looking forward to seeing your list.

*Lula O - LOL! Dare I ask if this is your first challenge? Anyway, happy to have you with us. :)

PeachyTO said...

Hey Trish! I am a new follower to your blog and look forward to discovering your posts.

This is going to be the second challenge I will be participating in, since I started blogging back in February.

Since I have a ton of non-fiction books that I haven't tackled yet, I look forward to making some room on my shelves with this challenge, and learning something along the way.

I will promptly make my selections and return back to add my link above.

Thanks, and happy reading!

Shelley said...

I'm in, but haven't picked yet! Hopefully soon...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting this challenge, it's a good one and I'm happy to see it up again. I posted a tentative list, but I guess it will change as months go by...

raidergirl3 said...

I'm sure I'll be here in a month or so to sign up - summer is a great time for me to read NF.
Yes, the buttons are amazing!
I'll wait a month to come up with my ideas.
I'm glad you took over for Joy to keep it going.

raidergirl3 said...

heh, who am I kidding. I put my list up tonight.

Anonymous said...

I'm in! Thanks for hosting Trish.

Debi said...

Sheesh...I'm not sure when I've sweat over putting together a list this much. I was determined to make it just perfect...and list only 5 books. I eventually conceded defeat...there are just too many non-fictions I want to get to. *sigh* But I finally got my list posted, for better or worse.

Cath said...

This is just what I need to make myself read more non-fiction - not that that's a hardship. Looking forward to participating and thank you for hosting. :-)

Jeane said...

Okay, I want to sign up! But I'm still new to doing challenges- what happens if I start reading one of my five books and it's killing me? Can I substitute another one?

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

*PeachyTO - Thanks for joining the challenge--I hope you do discover a lot of new things. Non-fiction gets a bad rep, I think! :)

*Shelley - Can't wait to see what you pick!

*Scribacchina - You can change your selections whenever you feel it necessary. Thanks for joining!

*Raidergirl3 - LOL! So glad you couldn't hold out for another month. Thanks for joining again. :)

*Whitney - Thanks for joining us for the challenge!

*Debi - Can't wait to see your choices. I had to whittle my list down a lot as well--and then I bought even more NF yesterday! I have really grown to love the diversity.

*Cath - Thanks for joining us! I look forward to seeing what you decide to read.

*Jeane - Ask away! YES, you absolutely can switch out your choices at any time. There is nothing worse than a dull NF book! I can't wait to see what you pick--you read the most fascinating non-fiction books!

Missy B. said...

Hi Trish: Count me in! Thanks for hosting!

Literary Feline said...

I'm still thinking about it. I'll go through the list of books I have to read and if enough fall into the category, I may join. And of course, you know I'll have enough. :-) It's so tempting . . .

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting this challenge! I never do well but always look forward to participating.

Karen Beth said...

I picked my cookbook! It's a good one. I think I found a really wide variety of nf lit for this challenge.

Anthony said...

I was just pointed in this direction by Cath and can't resist joining in if it's not too late. I just finished reading Craig Childs' "The Animal Dialogues," but as it was really the last book I read in March (finished it yesterday), I won't count it towards my five.

Unknown said...

I think this makes two challenges you've led me to joing, though I swore I wouldn't do any this year.

Oh well. Count me in.

naperville mom said...

Count me in, Trisha:)

Tash said...

Hi Trish. Count me in for this. Will update on Mr. Linky once my post is up. Thanks for hosting.

RedCaboose said...

I've signed up and this is just one of many I fear. I'm hooked now on Book Blogs and I keep finding more challenges!

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

*Missy - Glad you'll be joining us!

*Literary Feline - Looking forward to seeing what you pick--I know there will be some good ones in there.

*Kris - Thanks for joining--and it's all about fun!

*Karen Beth - Variety is definitely the way to go...your Elvis Cookbook is so you it makes me smile. :)

*Anthony - Definitely not too late to join in--looking forward to seeing what you pick.

*CB James - I'd do my evil little laugh, but I'm sure you already saw that coming. :) Everyone needs more non-fiction and classics, right?? Thanks for joining.

*Naperville Mom - Glad you'll be joining us--can't wait to see your list!

*Ms. Ulat Buku - Thanks for joining the challenge. :)

*Evilredcaboose - Yup, those challenges sure are addicting, huh? But they're so much fun. Glad you're joining--and non-fiction isn't as scary as people make it out to be. :)

Amy said...

This looks like a fun challenge! I'll have to think a bit about my choices!

Melissa O. said...

I keep seeing this post and other mentions of this challenge, and I know I should participate because I NEED to branch out and read more nonfiction. I'll have to see if I can come up with a manageable list and sign up :-)

BTW, I have also given you an award. You can pick it up here:

Elisabeth said...

Hi - I'm a newcomer to the reading challenges, and have a few must reads plus a couple on my wish list, so decided to join.

The only question I have is - how do I use Mr. Linky to post my review?

Looking forward to everyone's reviews!

Susan said...

I saw this on Bride's site and have been thinking about it for a week. I don't know if it's Nymeth's oh so cool button that is sucking me in to try again (I failed miserably at this last year!) or the fact that I actually have some non-fiction to read this year, but i'm going to give it a try again! I have to get to my 100 books read somehow! I have a tentative list:
The Life of Charlotte Bronte
The Shorter Pepys
Shakespeare Wrote for Money
1699 A year in the Life of William Shakespeare
The Voyage of the Northern Magic

gautami tripathy said...

Another one bites the dist!


Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

*Amy - Can't wait to see what you decide on!

*Melissa - Non-fiction isn't that scary, I promise. And thank you for the award. :)

*Elisabeth - Thanks for joining the challenge. I'm going to leave you a comment about the Mr. Linky on your blog--hopefully that helps.

*Susan - Wow--fascinating list! Yup, Nymeth's buttons are hard to resist. She was so sweet to help me out.

*Gautami - LOL--welcome welcome. :)

BooksPlease said...

This is my first time for this challenge. I'll post my list later - or decide as I read! I have several non fiction books I've been meaning to read.

Lisa said...

Better late than never?

Anonymous said...

A little late to the game, but it sounds fun! Besides, I have plenty of nonficiton books at home to read and this will encourage me to read them! Here's my list:
Dead and Buried by Corey Mitchell
The Tulip by Anna Pavord
Pete Duel: a biography by Paul Green
Dewey by Vicki Myron and Bret Witter
Stiff by Mary Roach

Janssen said...

My first challenge! I'm so excited!

Abi said...

I'm going to try this one too.

I posted some non-fiction books on my Spring Challenge here.

Jane said...

Great idea for a challenge. I need to think about which books I will read but I am in!

Regina said...

I found out about this challenge through my friend Heather J. ...looking forward to it!

I'll have to work on a book list. So far I only have one -- Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination.

Mandy said...

What a fun idea for a challenge!

I'll definitely be reading A Practical View of Christianity by William Wilberforce, but I'll have to think about the other four.

Oh, and isn't it sad that I can't even type my own name correctly when signing up? It should be Mandy...not Many. Oops!

Corinne said...

I'm late, but I'm in!!

Jodie said...

Ugh I totally forgot to post first, link later so I've mistakenly linked to my main site. I'm in though, honestly so many of my other challenges require non-fiction reading that this should be simples.

Lynda said...

Just finished this challenge
Wrap up post here:
thanks for hosting ;0)

Jessica's thoughts said...


I'm interested in participating in this reading challenge, but I cannot figure out how to sign-up for it.

My blog's URL is:



Evelyn Yvonne Theriault said...

Hello Jessica,
This challenge sounds great but I just found out about this morning (May 31st.
If it's allowed I will take part and starting with June and slip an extra book in there over the next few months.
Evelyn in Montreal

Moony said...

I'd like to join too!

My blog post is here with my choices.

Brittany said...

I'd still like to join! My challenge post is here:


Book Dragon said...

I'm going to go for it, my post is here,

Matt said...


I read The Spirit of Man in Asian Art by Laurence Binyon as the first

J.T. Oldfield said...

Better late than never! I'll be reading the following:

1. The Third Jesus by Deepak Chopra (cross-over w/ another challenge)
2. Why I Became an Atheist: A Former Preacher Rejects Christianity by John Loftus (cross-over w/ another challenge)
3. Deep Survival by Laurence Gonzales
4. Into the Wild by John Krakauer
5. How Fiction Works by James Wood (I’m considering this one my “different from the others” one)

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Welcome welcome welcome! Thanks for signing up for the challenge. :)

Happy reading!

J.T. Oldfield said...

Is this where we post our links to our reviews? I've done my first one, The Third Jesus, by Deepak Chopra:

Natasha @ Maw Books said...

I'm late to the party, but I'm here!

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

JT Oldfield - You'll notice on the right sidebar up top that there is a button that will take you to each months reviews. I'm going to go ahead and add this to the "July Reviews" post so everyone can see it.

sprite said...

I'm rather late to the game, but I think it'd be fun to play along: My selections.

Matt said...

Here's what I've read for the challenge recently:

The "Hitler Myth" - Ian Kershaw

The Invasion of America - Francis Jennings

Weakness is a Crime: The Life of Bernarr Macfadden - Robert Ernst.

Unknown said...

Just posted a review of The Great Mortality by John Kelly.

Kate said...

Hi Trini,

I am so excited! I have nearly finished my five books! Here's what I've read so far since May:

1. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
2. The Holy Secret
3. Catch Me If You Can
4. The Lost City of Z

and still reading #5: Influencer

How's that for a well rounded selection! I want to read 1776, but promised myself that I would put the books aside and work on SCRAPBOOKS. Why don't you host a Scrapbook Challenge? That might be the motivation I need.

btw, I think you're awesome :-)

Love you! - Mom

Lesley (aka Upper West Side Writer) said...

I'm joining this challenge late, but I'm going to give it my best shot!

Beth (BBRB) said...

I just joined! I figure better late than never! :)

Kate said...

Hi Trish,

I finished the Influencer, so have completed the 5 books for non-fiction challenge. The Influencer was a really great book, and I would recommend it to anyone for application in work, personal life goals, parenting, personal relationships, etc. As per my last post, I didn't go on to 1776, but I also didn't start scrapbooks. I actually started the Book Thief! I am a reading addict. Love you-- Mom

Tash said...

One more book to go before I finish the non fiction five challenge....:)

Grilsgood said...

I have finished and this is what i read:

1. Anderson, Joan A Weekend to Change your Life 974.492 A
2. Sakurai, Gail The Library of Congress 027.573 S
3. Dineen, Jacqueline The World of Art 94 709 B
4. Fisher, Leonard Eerett Jason and the Golden Fleece 292.13 F
5. Graff, Nancy Price The Call of the Running Tide 974.145 G
6. Stanchak, John Civil War 64 973
7. Willard, Nancy East of the Sun and West of the Moon play, J 812.54W 64
8. Asher, Sandy Mexico J 972 A 48
9. Weed, Karen Mexican Cookbook 641.597 W
10. Lucas, Eileen Prudence Crandall 920 Crandal

Tampa BookWorm said...

I am doing this for 2010