Road Trip!
And we're off! Scott and I have officially hit the road out west. Our first stop is South Dakota where we'll visit the Sturgis Rally (a huge motorcycle rally). While we're there, we'll also hit some of the national parks including Mount Rushmore. AND I'll be meeting Lisa from Books.Lists.Life. Could I be more excited? I don't think so.
After South Dakota it's west for Yellowstone where Scott and I will be roughing it in a tent. If you can't tell from the pink jacket and helmet below, I'm kind of a girly girl, but I think I'll survive. Don't I kind of look like a pink Power Ranger? By the way, we are taking the bike but not driving it--we'll be in the truck. (And in the background you can see my car--Lola Sunshine).
Our trip (we actually won't be going through Montana and will be staying in Pueblo on the way home, but this is as close as I could get):

Scott and I are very blessed to have a love for travel in common. Sometimes I take it for granted that people want to travel, especially road trip style, but that's not always the case. We've taken some amazing trips in the past four years, but some of my favorite times have been in the car. I always joke that I fell in love with Scott on the road. Since Texas is so giant, we would take hours long road trips from destination to destination. One of my favorite trips was last fall when we flew into Boston and drove through Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts (link will take you to pictures on my "personal" blog).
Honestly? I'm not sure there's anything else like an open road.
Do you like road trips? What is favorite that you've been on? Any you'd recommend?
p.s. I do have a few scheduled posts for the week, but in reality I'll be completely Internet-less (woohoo). Hope everyone has a great week and I'll catch up when I get back.
I've been to Yellowstone over a dozen times. It's one of my favorite places. I've been to Sturgis once and was in Rapid City when all the bikers came through. It's quite a sight! Be prepared for some scantily clad women. Sounds like a great trip. Have fun biker babe!
When I moved back to Alaska my friend and I went from Colorado to Wyoming and Montana and to Washington and hit all the national parks in between. It was an amazing time. And then my now husband decided to move to Alaska so I flew down to Seattle and drove up to Alaska with September. It was awesome...very cold sometimes but I got to be with him when he experienced the Northern Lights for the first time. So cool.
Have a great time! I can't wait to see all the pictures and stuff when you get back.
Trish, it sounds so exciting! Have fun! I used to love road trips but not as much now. I love your suit and helmet-awesome! I can't wait to hear about your trip and see some pictures.
My spouse and I took a road trip through the desert south west a few years ago that was terrific. It looks like you'll be very close to Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado which is a must see. If you get the chance.
No, on second glance I think it's too far out of your way. But we found ALL of the National Parks to be well worth it. Mt. Rushmore is on our list, along with the Black Hills.
I think I may be a little jealous.
I'm sure you and Lisa will have a great time. Every blogger I've met has been exactly how I expected them to be. I'm not crazy about road trips - I'd rather fly and be there already.
Wow ... sounds like quite the adventure! Enjoy, be safe, and take lots of pictures!
Does the drive to Destin count as a road trip? I almost got car sick on the way home last summer because I read almost the whole way like 6 hours home. :)
*boing*boing*boing* That's me! Being all excited!
Your helmet is so awesome and you look TINY on that bike! I'm gonna feel like a giant next to you, I can feel it.
And also- little truck, cute bike, sports car! Definitely you have no children. (Wait to you see my stationwagon!)
Sturgis? Really? How cool is that! I'm jealous. It's been a long time since I've done a road trip. The last was to DC with my sister and nieces.
Enjoy the trip and I agree - the helmet is totally cool and so is the bike.
You look so cool in your riding gear -- love the butterfly helmet! I wish I had the nerve to do what you're doing. I'm also excited because Lisa at Books, Lists, Life is another one of my favorite blogs, and the two of you meeting is like Batman meeting Superman!
Glad you are bringing the truck....Hard to carry the books you need on a motorcycle.
Wow - looks like you are in for a fabulous holiday. I would love to do this. Maybe one day, hubby and me will travel around America. Have a fabulous time.
*waves* Have a wonderful time, Trish! And how cool that you'll get to meet Lisa!
Your helmet is awesome and yes you definitely do look like a Pink Power Ranger, but in a very girly-cool kind of way. I hope you have a great time.
Enjoy being away from the internet. This month I was in the mountains of Washington state with no internet and it was...peaceful.
wonderful pictures - yes, yes, yes to road trips! Just took one to New Orleans and back. You however are truly going out on the "open road!" awesome.
will now enjoy so many of the cool lists and sidebars are your blog - stop by any time!
Have a great trip! :D
And I love, love, love your helmet!
What an awesome trip you have scheduled. You are lucky you share the love of travel. I do love your pink riding leathers. Perhaps a Power Ranger...but totally cool.
Have fun...can't wait to see the photos.
Love that helmet! Have fun on your trip, it sounds awesome. My favourite road trip is the Juneau-San Francisco drive down the Pacific coast. Our family did that one twice a year, back and forth. Never seen anything so beautiful.
That's so exciting! I love any kind of trips, I'm not sure I've ever taken a road one, but sounds a lot of fun. Love the bike!
Hope you have a wonderful time! If I can survive in a tent, so can you. ;P I so don't like to rough it!
Diary of an Eccentric
Have a great time, Trish!
I love your helmet, very cool!! :)
Awesome! Have a blast, Trish!
My wife and I love to travel also, but don't do it "roadtrip-style" as much as we used to. We are trying to knock out our dream destinations; in 2006 we took a cruise, in 2007 we went to Paris and this year we re-visited Napa Valley/Sonoma, CA (after a brief stay there in 2005). I hope to go to Key West in the next year or so.
Hope you guys have a blast. See you on the other side. really do love "road trips". Have a fabulous time.
We are pretty much homebodies LOL, even when I was younger I enjoyed home, more than travel.
That sounds awesome!! Have a fun trip! I was in South Dakota in June.. Road tripping from Colorado to Minnesota after doing a bike ride in Colorado..:)
The most amazing road trip I've ever done which I would TOTALLY recommend is driving up the Dalton Highway in Alaska all the way to the arctic ocean in the north.. it is an unforgettable experience..:)
I love travelling and doing roadtrips as well!
We mostly go by car! No bikes :(
but then I don't knwo how to drive them either! I have a small scooty :) that i drive around town!
we also love to go to trips... mostly nearby places! love your girly girl avatar! you completely rock!
I hope you're having a fabulous time!
I love the rally! Hope you have an amazing time!
What great pics of you in the pink helmet! Hope that you had a great trip!
*Everyone - Thank you so much for coming by and wishing me a great trip and for also sharing some of your own trips. A few of you mentioned Alaska and that sounds amazing. We had a great trip, but it's always good to be home. Hopefully I'll have pictures up on Sunday!
P.S. - You guys rock!
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