Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Non-Fiction Five September Reviews and Wrap-Up

Non-Fiction Five Challenge
Post your September reads in the Mister Linky below using the following format:

Your name: Trish (The Complete Maus)
Your URL: http://trishsbooks.blogspot.com/2009/07/complete-maus-art-spiegelman.html

If you've finished the challege and want to write a wrap-up post, you can also leave your link here. Put (Wrap-Up) after your name.

Thanks for participating--we'll see you next year!


Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

Thanks for hosting Trish! I read lots of non-fiction but this was a fun challenge anyway. :)

Laura's Reviews said...

I have some awards for you at my blog! http://lauragerold.blogspot.com/

TheBlackSheep said...

Randomly, I passed on an award to you from Laura. Thanks again for hosting the challenge!

Jodie said...

I totally did not clock that this finished in September! I managed one, but that's one more than most years :)

Scribacchina said...

I still have one to go, but only now am I starting to put up reviews... Shame on me, I said I intended to participate more and then just went on and disappeared, sorry!

Book Dragon said...

I almost made it. Four read during the time period and three of them reviewed. The last review goes live on the 27th.

I'm crossing this one off my list, I don't think I'll get to finish the one I'm reading right now. If I do, I'll just add it to the list ;)

Tash said...

Hey Trish. Thanks for hosting this. Looking forward to the challenge again next year!

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Thanks everyone so much for participating! Hope to see you next year!