Non-Fiction Five Challenge Sign Ups
MAY 1 - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010

The Rules (unchanged from previous years)
1. Read 5 non-fiction books during the months of May - September, 2010 (please link your reviews on Mister Linky each month; Mister Linky can be found at the beginning of each month on this blog)
2. Read at least one non-fiction book that is different from your other choices (i.e.: 4 memoirs and 1 self-help)
3. If interested, please sign up below with the link to your NFF Challenge post (all choices do not need to be posted and may change at any time)
Happy reading!
**Many thanks to the totally awesome Paxton and Veens who made the lovely buttons (Paxton on top and Veens below). I'd hug you to death if I could. And thanks to those of you who offered. I'll be calling on you next time. ;)
signing up this weekend; thanks Trish!
Okay, so here I am again.
This is one I didn't do very well on the last time. I hope I do better this go 'round.
I'll get a list together soon.
This is definitely my genre...I adore biographies, memoirs, etc. Although my blog is primarily parenting issues I would love to read the reviews you post. Would someone maybe stop by at Bloggin2Noggin to let me know when a review is posted?
I'd be so happy!!! Thanks for considering.
Just a quick note to let you know you can count me in for both this and the classics challenge, of course :D I'll officially join closer to the start date. Miss you!
Is it that time of the year already? Oh my, things are going too fast for me to follow! :) Like my blog has been down for over a month and I don't have time to fix it :(
But I see there are still two months to go before the challenge, so hopefully I'll be able to take part in it again... We'll see. Thank you for hosting!
I hope to join but think I'll wait until closer to May before officially signing up. I am really on a non-fiction kick right now!
Yay for you doing the challenge again! Those buttons are so fun. :D
I reading a lot of non fiction books right now for class. Would they count?
*Diane - Hope to see you soon. :)
*CJ - LOL--well I barely made it last year, too. :) Hope you find some good ones.
*Alyssa - Hmmm...
*Nymeth - Yippee! And miss you too. Trying to get organized and clean tonight so hopefully I can play around tomorrow. :)
*Scribacchina - I hope you'll join us. I definitely posted the sign ups earlier than I would have liked, but that's just how things go, I guess.
*Twiga92 - See you in a few months. :)
*Eva - I cracked up when Paxton emailed his with nessie, bigfoot, and the UFO. Too funny.
*Missy - Unfortunately only books finished after May 1st will count towards the challenge. If you start them now and don't finish until then, that's OK.
Thanks Trish ~~~ I enjoyed this one in 2009!
I'm hoping you already know without question that I'm in! I'm positive hubby will be, too. And likely Miss Annie as well. I'll be back to sign Mr. Linky once I write up a post.
Miss you, Trish!
This sounds like lots of fun. Now all I have to do is decide what to read.
This is a great challenge for me, I am motivated to read some non-fiction this year.
*Debi Good--you should get the whole clan to sign up! :)
*Ridingnwriting - Jess--thanks for signing up! Can't wait to see what you pick.
*Rayna - I hope you find some good picks--I'm a sucker for non-fiction these days.
Oopps it doesn't link to my NFF post...sorry. I just was agreeing to do it.
It has been forever since I have done a challenge. I am keeping them simple this year, prob. just yours and mine :P
I made a resolution to read more non-fiction this year so looking forward to participating.
I already have probably 20 sample nonfiction books on my kindle and I love certain kinds of nonfiction. Finding the last one of a different type is going to be hard for me.
I'd say I am going to join in. I just need to write my post!
I'm excited to join this challenge!
I love to read but sometimes I don't make enough time for it. This might do it and also connecting with others sounds wonderful!
*Bethany - I'm with you--simple is how I'm going these days as well. And thanks for the offer for the buttons--I guess after my extended absense I felt a little weird about flat out asking. :(
*Cat - I hope you find some good non-fiction reads!!
*WonderBunny - I bet the sample NF books you have on your Kindle offer different kinds. Just as an example, you could choose from memoir, travel, biography, autobiography, history, true crime, gardening, health, self-help...LOL, the list is endless really.
*Kailana - :) Glad you're joining!
*Marcia - Challenges are a great way to connect with others. Hope you find some great books to read!
I posted a page with ALL current reading challenges. Let me know if you want me to add any other information about yours. I hope it brings even more readers to your challenge!
Reading Challenges.
Rachelle (Bibliobabe)
Thanks for hosting! I read quite a bit of NF so would love to see what others are reading! NF books are definitely not as widely reviewed as fictions!
I'm in! It's one of my favourite challenges since it gives me that extra push to read more non-fiction. Thanks for hosting, Trish!
Count me in! Awww. do I have to wait till May?
Non-fiction has always been my staple!
*Bibliobabe - Thanks for the link!!
*Christa - I really wish more people would try Non-Fiction. They can be so fascinating--I think some think of NF as dry and boring?
*Tanabata - Yay! So glad to see you. :) Thanks for joining.
*JoV - Glad to have you. And of course you don't have to wait until May to read Non-fiction but only books finished after May 1 will count. :)
New at this...hope I stick!
My post is up!
I look forward to participating in this challenge. I'm planning to travel a bit this summer and tend to read fiction during travel, but I'm really going to try hard to get some non-fiction in too. Thanks for hosting this!
Hey Trish, so glad that you're hosting this again. I intend on finishing this year.
You can find my post for the challenge here. Good luck to all.
I'm signing up for this! I will probably get the sign up post next weekend only, but I can't wait to dig into the NF books! :)
easy challenge for me! One month late, nonetheless count me in!
Trish -- count me in. Sorry for the late sign-up. I'm a virtually new blogger.
Ok so I've signed up and discovered that my non-fiction collection of books is actually pretty extensive so I really have to get reading I hope this will be the spur!!
I have completed the challenge! Woo Hoo!
Trish..I was sort of out of sorts in May June and July.
I missed this one. It is too late for me. Maybe another time. Good luck to all.
Challenge completed:
Challenge completed -
Thank you! it was a lot of fun!
Trish, thanks for hosting this challenge. Here's my wrap-up post. I completed it in the required time; and I look forward to doing it again next year. Oh, and I didn't see any place to link to individual book reviews. Did I miss it? If so, please direct me. Thanks.
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